CSBG Emergency Water Assistance
Assistance will be based on 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for the current year. All applicants must meet all eligibility requirements prior to any funding being allocated.
If applicant has not received CSBG Emergency Water assistance within a reasonable time period as determined by CSBG Staff and is at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines then CSBG will proceed with the eligibility determination.
Applicants MUST HAVE:
- Current Water Disconnect Notice
- Water currently disconnected
CSBG Emergency Water WILL pay: (ONLY One Month can be paid)
- Disconnect notice amount
- Balance required to re-establish service minus any additional fees to reconnect
CSBG Emergency Water WILL NOT pay:
- Deposits
- Reconnect Fees
- Back Bills
At the time of inquiry, the client will be advised of all documentation required for eligibility and an appointment will be scheduled. Client must provide all documentation at the time of eligibility appointment in order for CSBG Intake Worker to determine if applicant is eligible for services. If all documentation is not provided, Intake Worker may schedule a return appointment based upon availability of funding. Applicant must be present for Eligibility appointment unless applicant provides a notarized Power of Attorney letter granting a designee permission to complete case. No eligibility appointments will be completed over the phone. CSBG may grant a Home visit to complete eligibility appointment if no other options are available to the applicant.
Completed applications must be approved by Administration.
*All scenarios cannot be included in the policies. All applications are determined on a case-by-case basis.