Jefferson County
Community Action Council, Inc.
Our Mission
The CAC is Continuing A Commitment to restore and revitalize the quality of life in Jefferson County, and move the residents towards self-sufficiency. We achieve this goal by adapting and providing programs that are accessible, affordable, and culturally-sensitive to meet the needs of the community
Our History
The Jefferson County Community Action Council, Inc. is a private non-profit organization, established in 1965 – one of a nationwide network of Community Action Agencies. As mandated by federal law, it is operated by a Board of Directors made up of one-third representation from the low-income sector; one-third governmental representation; and one-third private. The Chief Executive Officer, Rich Gualtiere.
Meeting the needs of Jefferson County residents will always be first priority for the CAC; collaboration with other community agencies has become one of the most efficient ways to accomplish this goal. Since the CAC competes for grants to fund its programming, it enjoys the flexibility of designing its services to fit community needs.
Most CAC services are offered to Jefferson County residents free of any charge. Programs are based on income-eligibility. All participation in programming is entirely voluntary.
Agency News


Summer Youth started July 1st. Between the four youth funding streams we have 91 kids placed and working between Harrison and Jefferson County. Eligible youth between the ages of 14 and 24 can receive assistance with completing high school, achieving academic success, financial aid for post-secondary education, developing employability skills, acquiring work experience, obtaining employment, and developing citizenship and leadership through the following services.
Case Managers and Participants met at Sally Buffalo to celebrate with an end of summer picnic!

Staff members were encouraged to bring their children in for trick or treat on Halloween. The agency closed for their last hour of work and staff handed out candy to trick or treaters!